I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I watch The Bachelor. I don't know why - these people seem so vapid and empty, and yet, part of me is jealous of them. Why can't I be so idiotic to believe that you can in fact fall in love - like the forever and ever love - in a month. Oh yeah, also with cameras in your face the whole time, all the while competing for said love with two dozen other people.... I mean, that is totally reasonable, right?
Tonight is the finale - and there's a "live" studio audience watching it in LA - and I'm judging them. I am sitting on the floor of my living room in my pajamas (and by pajamas I mean yoga pants and an old t-shirt - keep in mind I have never done yoga in my entire life) and I am judging them. Those women who got all gussied up and are sitting in that studio with Chris Whateverhislastnameis and watching this last episode - I am judging them. How is that fair? I'm doing the exact same thing. The only difference is that I am lying about my bizarre fascination with this trash. I always want to believe that I'd be the kind of person to own whatever lifestyle choices I make - but this one? I keep hidden.
Oh my god - now they're doing a "check-in" with the audience.... are you f-ing kidding me? And now someone just made a comment about how Catherine is "26, and has been waiting for this her whole life.... she's totally ready for this". wtf? Why am I angry at these people for thinking 26 is on the path to Old-Maiden-Ship? Sigh... 26 is not old you ass holes.
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