As I write this my dog is on my lap eye-balling the day old
luke warm re-heated pizza slice that I’m calling my lunch. She cannot understand why I won’t let her eat
any of it.
Is my dog the boss of me? Yes. Yes she is.
I have an aunt who has spent most of her adult life adopting
dogs and giving them more love than anyone could ever hope for. When I was nine years old we drove (yes
drove) to Texas from Michigan to visit her for a week. During that week I got more sun-burned than a
lobster, went to Mexico for the first time and was given a gold bangle that
probably costs more than all my other jewelry combined. I also have crystal clear memories of sitting
down to dinner and watching her take a bite and then not one minute later
stabbing some meat off her plate with the same fork and feeding it directly to
one of her pups. Even as a nine year old
who thought bathing was for chumps and who washed her hands with soap so rarely
that I’m shocked I didn’t die of foot and mouth disease, I remember thinking
that was gross.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
There are things that I do so quickly and thoughtlessly now
as a dog-mom that my dirty nine year old self would be appalled. Well, suck it mini-past-me, because if I have
to pull a dingle berry out of my dog’s butt to make her life easier, then I’m
gonna do it. If I end up spending more
money on my dog’s food than I do on my own, then so be it. If I schedule my extra-curricular activities
based solely on how much time my pup has spent alone on a particular day, oh
well. If I occasionally brush her with
my hair brush if hers is in the other room, then oopsies. If my dog has more outer-wear options than
me, or if I no longer have a “side” of my bed because I let my dog call dibs on
what side she feels like each night, or if I no longer sit down on the subway
when I have her because it means she can’t look out the windows, then
tough. Call a spade a spade I suppose
because my dog is the boss of me.
I will however, draw a line in the sand at sharing food off
my fork. That still, is just gross.
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