Friday, April 25, 2014

Horse naps.

I had another first this week.  Another first of something I would have sworn up and down would never happen – could never happen – was physically impossible, but non the less, happened.  I feel asleep on the subway. Standing up.  I wasn’t even leaning against the door or the wall or the pole.  I was holding one of the hand rails above my head and fell asleep on my feet.  What am I, a horse? 

I have spent most of my adult life being tired.  Not just weary – but exhausted to the core.  My mother is convinced I have a sleep disorder, and I may, but my tiredness comes from burning the candle at both ends.  Trying to live the life of a “normal” person with a 9-6 job is taxing on everyone.  The daily grind, the rush hour commutes, the crabby phone calls, the constant emails, the never ending to-do list – and all for things that you may or may not care at all about but are 100% necessary to keep the business that pays your bills on its feet.   Add onto that a full time job of promoting myself as a performer; the rehearsals, the classes, the late night jams, the constant feeling of “you’re just not doing enough to better yourself creatively or push your career”, and I am spent. 

And while this is the life that I chose, that I continue to chose everyday, I still allow myself to occasionally wallow in the hardship of it all.  I so envy my friends who work only one job.  My friends who have financial stability or those who live in complete ignorance and/or denial of their debt make me so jealous.  I wish I could stop for a week – just focus on one thing without the constant fear of poverty or health catastrophe, but alas, I am from Michigan and cannot.  It has been ingrained in me to worry – and I’m not even Catholic.  Jesus, that would compound the issue even more.

I went on a blind date a few years ago and in an effort to get to know me the guy asked what I did for fun.  I thought about it for a minute and then without hesitancy replied “take naps”.  We did not go out again.   But I think “what do you do for fun” is a question looking for the thing you do to refresh – recharge – make yourself feel better, and quite honestly, so yeah, for fun? I take naps. 

Sadly, my life has not had much room for fun having this week – hence my Mr. Ed sleeps on the 7.