Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Today I paid a man $100 to convert some VHS tapes into DVDs. That seems like a lot considering my uncle has a machine that will convert my old videos for free - but the price I'll pay for peace of mind seems like a steal to me. 

I have no idea what's on these tapes. 

My parents gave me a video camera for christmas my senior year of high school and I used that thing like it was going out of style. Which, it was incidentally. 

I filmed everywhere. Mixing my untrained and unfocused cinematography desires with alcohol once I got to college was, I'm quite sure a cinematic disaster. I am equally excited and horrified to watch these tapes - er, DVDs on friday. They will be both hilarious and horribly embarrassing I am sure. 

I have very vague memories of drunkenly schlubbing my bulky cam-corder to parties or to the library (because this was college, and you of course drunk studied in the library). I also am curious to see if the things I remember taping are actually recorded or if I made them up in a booze soaked dream. 

I have a very distinct memory of lugging my camera to a party in the basement of one of the dorms and getting plastered on Redbull and vodka. This would be a good time to mention (before you think me a sloppy drunk of a human) that I have a very low tolerance for alcohol. 3 drinks and I'm good for the night. 3 and a half and I'm asleep on the floor of a bathroom. This particular night my friend acted as barkeep and in an effort to keep me from falling asleep before 10pm - switched my drinks from vodka AND to just Redbull. I got wasted and was amped out of caffeine. Honestly i'm surprised more people don't have heart attacks from that poison. 

At some point in the night I decided I was a gymnast, announced to the group (probably just shouted it a lot and very loudly) that I was a gymnast and disappeared into the hall. Now would be a good time to mention that as a kid my parents signed my up for gymnastics but after a handful of lessons the instructor kindly suggested I might be more successful in soccer. 

I have a very distinct memory (which again could be fabricated by the passing of time and re-telling of this story by everyone in attendance that night) - that on the recording from that night you'll see me attempt not once not twice but three times a standing front flip thru the hall way door. The cement hallway door. 

Now- the events of that night are accurate. I had the bruises and the hangover to prove it. I am curious to see though, if my failure at gymnastics was caught for posterity. 

I really hope it was. And I really hope it wasn't. 

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